Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Good news everyone! I Think I've finally figured all of this new stuff out on Blogger so I will not be quitting! [Everybody say "YAY!"] Yay!

So anyways. Some more exciting news... I'm filling out an application for Seventeen's Freshman 15! It would be so cool if I got to be one of their bloggers! Like a dream come true! So wish me luck guys!

I promise I'll start blogging more now that it's summer because not only will I have TIME to blog, but I'll have time to watch movies!

I've had time lately honestly, but I've been using all that time to watch Modern Family. I just got into that show three days ago and I'm already halfway through the second season. It's honestly the best show ever and I can't believe I'm just now getting into it. I want to kick myself for the next three years because I missed three years of awesomeness.

Well this just distracted me, so I better get back to my application!

Peace Out Kids!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


So I guess the blogoshpere hates me because they decided to change everything up on me, and it really kind of pisses me off. Because.... I don't know how to change half of the things on my profile. So I wanted to let you know that I've now seen 69 movies out of 1001. (:

But since it's not letting me change that. I don't know what I'm going to do. This blog kind of sucks now.

I'm totally unmotivated to continue this blog because everything is so different and I don't feel like relearning everything at the moment.

Maybe I'll keep blogging. But I'm not sure. Right now I'm too pissed to blog.

I was going to tell you not to watch Delicatessen because it sucks, that's the latest movie I saw, Be Tee Dub.

Peace Out Kids.