Well hey hey hey!
Everyone knows what tomorrow is right?
December 1st! :D
That means:
- 25 Days until Christmas
- 24 Days until Christmas Eve (Which was kind of obvious because of the first bullet, but I thought I would point it out anyways...)
- 32 Days until the elusive 2012 (but here's a big shocker for everyone - THE WORLD'S NOT ENDING)
- 20 days until a very special person's birthday :D (I'm wondering if she will catch that I'm talking about her?)
- 41 Days until another special birthday (My bestest friend in the entire world that is)
- And lastly, 193 days until I am officially an adult. :DDDDDDDD
So enough of all of that, today, I've decided to share a few things about myself that you may not know. Prepare to be amazed. (:
A lot of people don't know this, but one of my favortie things to do is sing. I do it ALLLLL THE TIME. Some people appreciate my lovely singing. ei, my parents, my best friend, random hobos on the street. (Just kidding about that last one guys...)
Some people do NOT enjoy my singing (my sister...)
But that has never stopped me. I sing in the shower, in my room, in the car with my windows rolled down, in the middle of grocery stores, in parking lots. Pretty much any where.
But the thing is... I only sing around certain people. Because my worst fear is for someone to think I'm a bad singer. Yea, pretty irrational, but that's one thing I don't want people to judge.
Anyways... Point of this loverly story is coming, I promise.
Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved to sing. And it all started with one song in particular, from a very certain movie that I may have mentioned before. And yes, this movie does have to do with Christmas time, so what better time to bring it up than now?
It's only my Favorite Movie EVER. (OK- it's only my favorite during the christmas holidays, because obviously I lovelovelove When Harry Met Sally. So technically it's my second favorite. But for all intents and purposes, we're saying it's my favv today. kthanks.)
But seriously. I used to watch this movie nonstop when I was little. I used to run around my house dancing (OH yea, this movie is why I used to love dancing, but I grew out of that) and singing "Sisters, Sisters, there were never such devoted sisters". I had the dances memorized, every line to the songs I knew by heart. I still do actually.
Every year, we wait to watch White Christmas for the first time of the season until we put the Christmas tree up. I have been dying to watch this movie for weeks now, but I couldn't until we put the stinkin' tree up. Well, we finally did yesterday, so I finally got to watch my movie. I sang along to EVERY SONG, much to my sister's annoyance. I didn't even help decorate the tree, because I just wanted to watch the movie, hehe.
Before almost every song, I would say, "Hey, It's my favorite part, be quiet!" or "I love this!" or "This is the best part!" My family finally caught on and noticed that basically the whole movie is my favorite part.
I swaer if I could, I would go back in time just so I could live in the 50s, it was such a great era. All the women were beautiful, people actually cared about what they looked like. I'm not saying I loved WWII, but it's my favorite part of history because it's when the country was at it's finest in my opinion. It's part of why I enjoy this movie so much. The 50's were just so... well, Swell.
But, per Christmas tradition, I will be watching this movie at least once a week; I never get sick of it.
This is the movie that made me fall in love with movies. Fall in love with music. Fall in love with dancing. Fall in love with Bing Crosby. Fall in love with Christmas. Fall in love with Rosemary Clooney. Fall in love with comedy. Fall in love with the 50's. Fall in love with snow. Fall in love with singing. and most importantly, Fall in love with love.
Everyone seriously needs to go see this movie ASAP if you haven't already.
That's all for today, kiddos.
Peace Out Kids.
So, interesting fact: apparently I have a fan base in the Netherlands? Yea, this was news to me, but Hey all you Netherlandians! Thanks for reading my blog, and keep spreading the word of how AWESOME it is.(:
So we all know that the premiere of breaking Dawn Part 1 was this week. Man, that movie sucked. Like really bad. As a fan of the series (I admit I've read them at least 3 times) I thought the movie was very accurate, don't get me wrong, but it was just plain WEIRD.
For those who haven't read the series, or just don't want to see this, don't read ahead because there may be spoilers.
It had too many corny Disney moments for me. Like the 30 second cameo of Stephanie Meyers... AWKK. I can only stare at that lady and her freakish smile for 5 seconds MAX. The that weird breathing Bella did right before the wedding. I thought she was on drugs or something. And ohhh the poop face, it was back. Kristen Stewart has this elusive "I have to poop face" throughout the first two movies, and in some parts of the third. And of course, as she was walking down the aisle to her one and only love, she smelled poop. Not a great way to remember your own wedding. My least fav part? Defff when Jacob imprints and we had this whole video montage of their future together. And the actress that plays Reneesme does not fit how beautiful this child is supposed to be. Things I LIKED about this movie? The first 30 seconds when Jacob runs out into the rain with his shirt off. (: So, I'll give it 3 stars, generously.
So as a HUGE Potterhead, I've decided to make some comparisons(:
And Potter wins almost every category. Potter on the left, Twilight on the right, so let's get ready for some Potter VS. Twilight!
Ron VS. Jacob? Hm.... This really is a hard one, I'll admit. If either one were to propose, I would accept. (:
Hermione VS. Alice As much as I love Alice, I would give anything to be/meet Hermione for like 2 seconds.
HarryvsVoldemort VS. CullensvsVolturi Do I even need to explain why Harry and Voldemort is better?
Hogwarts Feasts VS. Drinking Blood Again... Who wouldn't want to eat at Hogwarts?
Quidditch VS. Vampire Baseball Quidditch BY FAR.
It's so painfully obvious which book series is better that I'm just going to stop to save you Twihards some dignity. POTTERHEADS FTW.
Alright, moving on...
Horror movies now?
Scream 4!
Scream 4 is definitely the best scary movie Of.All.Time.
5 stars.
Peace Out Kids.
Have you ever accomplished something so wonderful, you just couldn't help but tell the world?
Well, 484 Jumping Jacks, Crunches, Leg Lifts; 8 minutes and 4 seconds of wall sits; 44 push ups; and an 11 minute run later, I've lived to tell my tale.
Today, I accepted the challenge of The Ninety-Nine Workout... "Aka: If I Finish This Alive I Must Be Invincible"
Let me tell you.... That is one craaaazy workout.
You start by doing 99 jumping jacks, crunches, wall sits (in seconds) and leg lifts, then 9 push ups. And continue that series until you get to the 2's (99,88,77,66, and so on...) and then to end it you go on an 11 minute run!
In the moment, it doesn't really seem all that bad. Except for the crunches, those killed me every time. I don't know why though, ABs are my favorite part. Then after you finish everything and you go on your 1 minute run, you think "Hey, that really wasn't all that bad!" Then you start running, and you want to shoot yourself for ever attempting this. But you can't be a quitter, so you put your iPod on shuffle and start running. (I'm not a runner-hate it so much) and when you get home, all you want to do is fall on the ground, but this is the important part. You MUST STRETCH! Then go inside and drink LOTSSSS of water. Even after doing all of this, I can barely walk.
So much for being invincible right?
Tomorrow, I will be borrowing a wheelchair from the nurse, that;s how badly my legs hurt. (haha that was a joke so you can laugh now).
But on the bright side, I feel like rewarding myself for keeping up with my daily workout antics.
What's the best reward for me? Watching a movie, DUH! So that's what I'm about to go head off and do, so I can tell all ya'll about it later.
On a side note, I finally got my first college acceptance to Schreiner University! EXCITING!
But not quite exciting as me completing that reeeediculous workout.
Either way, a celebratory dinner (and movie) are much needed.
Peace Out Kids.
Until Next Time! (Actually I believe I'm going to change my signature salutation to Peace Out Kids, because I always say Peace Out when leaving a situation of any kind...) So...
Peace Out Kids.
Ya like? (:
What's the only good thing about being sick all weekend?
Staying home and watching movies, duh.
I will admit, I did get to watch quite a few movies this weekend, mainly because I was in bed sick, but I'm not complaining! It gives me more to write about!! (:
Firstly, (before I was sick of course) I went to go see the new movie Tower Heist with my family. It stars Matthew Broderick, Eddie Murphy, Ben Affleck, Alan Alda, and many others. I found this movie actually very humorous. It was a little inappropriate at times for younger people (mainly 14 and younger) but I was laughing the whole time. I haven't actually LOL'ed at a movie in who knows how long. It was nice to have a little comic relief. For those of you who haven't seen the commercials, Tower Heist is about a Hotel/Building staff who plan to overthrow the system and steal 12 million dollars from one of the Buildings residence who basically stole all of their money. I thought it was a really cute story line, and in ways reminded me of Ferris Bueller, but maybe that's because Matthew Broderick was in it and it involved a car. Anyways, I give it 4 stars, and everyone should go see it!
I have now seen 3 of 8000000000000 Woody Allen movies. Yes, that was a bit of an exaggeration... I watched What's Up, Tiger Lily? on Friday when I was home sick. It was an OK movie. I gave it two stars, but the back story to this movie is actually very interesting. This movie was Woody Allen's directorial debut. What he did was, he took an old Japanese film and edited out ALL the sound. Which just left him with the moving picture right? Then he added in American voices and an all new soundtrack that completely changed the whole movie. It went from a Japanese spy film to a film about the recovery of a treasured egg salad sandwich. Overall, it was interesting, and put a new spin on things. Definitely the first of it's kind that I have experienced.
Now I'll just fill you in on the rest of my weekend movie watchings, but no review is required. First, (well really 3rd) me and my mom watched When Harry met Sally. <3
I will NEVER get sick of that movie. In fact, as soon as we finished watching it, I wanted to watch it again. Pathetic, I know.
Then the next night, my mom and I watched Gigi, an old favorite of mine.
I haven't seen Gigi since I was a little girl, but it was just as good as I remember it being, and I still remembered the words to almost all the songs! Another great movie from The Book, and if you've never seen it, you're missing out on a Hollywood Gem.
Well, now I'm about to go do some Jillian Michaels as part of my scheme to defeating the Freshman 15 before next year!
Until Next Time!
Well hello again.
Yes, I am posting for the second time this week.
Yes, there's probably something wrong with me. At least you're the first to know!
So yea. I've come up with this master plan:
If I keep up a good workout regime from here until Christmas Break (and hopefully on after that-but I don't want to get ahead of myself) I will be able to continue on and not have to deal with the Freshman 15.
For those of you who haven't already heard, the Freshman 15 is the worst thing about college, AKA my one college nightmare. It's the "15" pounds a college freshman puts on once they leave home. But that 15 easily turns into 20 then into 30, then, OK-just shoot me now.
So I am DETERMINED to get a jump start on that so I get into a healthy routine that I can carry on into college! Sounds great right?
So far I've been doing pretty good.
- I've gone rollerblading at least 3 miles 4 or 5 times
- I rode 10 miles on a bike Tuesday!
- Today I rode 14 miles in an hour! WOOOO. and. We were headed straight into the wind for about 7 miles.
Lemme tell you a little something about riding a bike straight into hurricane winds (because that's pretty much what it was like. I'm telling you there was more wind today than there was during Hurricane Rita!), Riding a bike straight into the wind is fun exhausting!!!!!!! (I've always wanted to use the slash through on my fonts:D) I have never been more tired in my entire life. Not when we did the 20 minute drill in volleyball, not running the mile under 7 minutes, no even rollerblading straight into the wind. This was some crazy stuff.
You know during the Tour de France when the bikers stand up on their bikes and sprintpedal? Yea, well me and Emily (who went with me) were sprintpedaling and we were going nowhere. Literally. We were going 9 miles an hour if we were lucky. I felt like a snail. I felt like that reeeeeally old lady that crosses the street then drops something and can't get back up. It was awful.
but guess what.
We're doing it again tomorrow.
Are we crazy or what? (:
Mannnn, Ima be sore tomorrow!
Well it's time for me to get on Pinterest! ((((:
Until Next Time!
Hello fellow blogging world and all of you who have continued to read this blog.
Yes-I'm sure most of you thought that I had jumped off a cliff or something, because I haven't posted anything since August, but please, let me explain why before you jump to any rash conclusions.
You see... It all started with those "summer resolutions". By actually setting a goal for myself, I jinxed the whole thing.
Then: it's called, volleyball.
Volleyball has literally sucked my life for the past three months, not that I'm complaining. In fact, I wish volleyball wasn't over yet, because not only did I get to see my best friends almost every waking moment of my life, but I had no spare time-thus no time to be bored. (:
Now that it's over, I don't see my friends as often (but we still spend way more time together than is probably healthy) and I have WAY TOO MUCH FREE TIME.
So that's the story.
I didn't die, sorry.
Now back to those summer resolutions...
Progress thus far-
preeeeetty pathetic.
Those 30 more movies before summer... I've seen one- The Exorcist. So yayyyyy 65 down, 936 to go! That's so pathetic it doesn't deserve to be bolded.
Then there were the 50 books throughout the school year. Welllllllllllllll. We are 1/3 of the way done and I've read 4 books: Pride and Prejudice (required), As I Lay Dying (required), The Lying Game, and Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.
I have a long way to go if I want to reach 50.
Then I stopped watching Charmed, but there's still hope for that I guess....
And yea, I definitely haven't blogged at least once a week.
I declare now, that everything is going to change since I have a life again.
Although, I'm finding that life is starting to be consumed with Harry Potter (my obsession has found it's way back to the surface in order to fill the volleyball depression) and this new supersupersupersuper addicting website called Pinterest.
Emily Grizzell, I hope you're reading this right now, because I want to thank you for completely ruining me. You got me ADDICTED!
So now ya'll are all going to be so curious as to what it is that could be so addicting, and everyone's going to check it out and blame me for addicting them, but just remember, it's not me to blame, it's Emily.
Well that's all for now.
Can't wait until Pottermore is open to the public so I have a new addiction to share with the world!
Until Next Time!