Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas. (:

Well hey hey hey!
Everyone knows what tomorrow is right?
December 1st! :D
That means:
  • 25 Days until Christmas
  • 24 Days until Christmas Eve (Which was kind of obvious because of the first bullet, but I thought I would point it out anyways...)
  • 32 Days until the elusive 2012 (but here's a big shocker for everyone - THE WORLD'S NOT ENDING)
  • 20 days until a very special person's birthday :D (I'm wondering if she will catch that I'm talking about her?)
  • 41 Days until another special birthday (My bestest friend in the entire world that is)
  • And lastly, 193 days until I am officially an adult. :DDDDDDDD
So enough of all of that, today, I've decided to share a few things about myself that you may not know. Prepare to be amazed. (:

A lot of people don't know this, but one of my favortie things to do is sing. I do it ALLLLL THE TIME. Some people appreciate my lovely singing. ei, my parents, my best friend, random hobos on the street. (Just kidding about that last one guys...)
Some people do NOT enjoy my singing (my sister...)
But that has never stopped me. I sing in the shower, in my room, in the car with my windows rolled down, in the middle of grocery stores, in parking lots. Pretty much any where.

But the thing is... I only sing around certain people. Because my worst fear is for someone to think I'm a bad singer. Yea, pretty irrational, but that's one thing I don't want people to judge.

Anyways... Point of this loverly story is coming, I promise.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved to sing. And it all started with one song in particular, from a very certain movie that I may have mentioned before. And yes, this movie does have to do with Christmas time, so what better time to bring it up than now?


It's only my Favorite Movie EVER. (OK- it's only my favorite during the christmas holidays, because obviously I lovelovelove When Harry Met Sally. So technically it's my second favorite. But for all intents and purposes, we're saying it's my favv today. kthanks.)

But seriously. I used to watch this movie nonstop when I was little. I used to run around my house dancing (OH yea, this movie is why I used to love dancing, but I grew out of that) and singing "Sisters, Sisters, there were never such devoted sisters". I had the dances memorized, every line to the songs I knew by heart. I still do actually.

Every year, we wait to watch White Christmas for the first time of the season until we put the Christmas tree up. I have been dying to watch this movie for weeks now, but I couldn't until we put the stinkin' tree up. Well, we finally did yesterday, so I finally got to watch my movie. I sang along to EVERY SONG, much to my sister's annoyance. I didn't even help decorate the tree, because I just wanted to watch the movie, hehe.

Before almost every song, I would say, "Hey, It's my favorite part, be quiet!" or "I love this!" or "This is the best part!" My family finally caught on and noticed that basically the whole movie is my favorite part.

I swaer if I could, I would go back in time just so I could live in the 50s, it was such a great era. All the women were beautiful, people actually cared about what they looked like. I'm not saying I loved WWII, but it's my favorite part of history because it's when the country was at it's finest in my opinion. It's part of why I enjoy this movie so much. The 50's were just so... well, Swell.

But, per Christmas tradition, I will be watching this movie at least once a week; I never get sick of it.

This is the movie that made me fall in love with movies. Fall in love with music. Fall in love with dancing. Fall in love with Bing Crosby. Fall in love with Christmas. Fall in love with Rosemary Clooney. Fall in love with comedy. Fall in love with the 50's. Fall in love with snow. Fall in love with singing. and most importantly, Fall in love with love.

Everyone seriously needs to go see this movie ASAP if you haven't already.

That's all for today, kiddos.

Peace Out Kids.

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