Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Roman's Suggestion #1

Alrighty, so I'm getting better at this suggestion thing, huh? The latest one was from a friend Roman, who has actually suggested two movies for me to watch. The first, he suggested about a year ago and I have yet to watch it, the second he suggested yesterday and I've already watched it.(:

That is the extent of my good mood though. My momma always taught me, "if you ain't got nuttin' nice to say, then don't say nuttin' at all..."
OK-so maybe not quite as hickish, but something along those lines anyhow...

Well the movie I will not be saying anything about is called Daydream Nation. Let me tell you, it had potential. I love Andi McDowell and I love Kat Dennings. I just absolutely hated that movie. (Sorry Roman)

So just for the readers' future reference, which would be all of you, I ask that you please not suggest anything that heavily revolves around drug use, or anything remotely like this movie. Because... I did not like it AT ALL.

It's set in the druggie capital of America. Well, Here's Your Sign! Oh, and it has this creepy love triangle between this sex-crazed girl, giant pothead, and suicidal, depression ridden, psycho teacher.

No, not cute student teacher relationship like Ezria, this relationship was sick. The whole movie was sick. They even throw in some random serial killer for grins. The serial killer really had no point in the central storyline, this movie just had a really sick crew working on it I guess.

Definitely not my kind of movie. And it has forever tainted Kat Dennings for me, who ironically played a character named Caroline. (for those of you who don't know, Dennings is in a TV series called 2 Broke Girls where she plays Max and her best friend's name is Caroline, hence the irony)...

So if your into the druggie stuff, it might seem like a good movie to you. But not me, lo siento amigos.


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