There is so much hype right now concerning the newest Quinten Tarantino movie, Django Unchained. Although I had never seen a Tarantino movie, I knew that his type of movies were not my cup of tea, which is why I decided I would not pay money to go see his latest film. However, I figured it's about time I finally see a Tarantino movie, especially if I want to claim "not to like them", so, I started at the beginning with his directorial debut, Reservoir Dogs. (Also, I'd like to apologize to those of you who thought you would be getting a review on Django, because you're not.)
I can tell you straight off the bat that I didn't like it. I am NOT A FAN of Tarantino. His style is just way too bizarre for me. Yes, I do think he is a phenomenal director when it comes to the logistics of film, I just don't particularly enjoy his movies. Again, I've only seen one so far, so he may prove me wrong yet.
Reservoir Dogs (RD) is about a botched robbery. The story itself is told in a sort of reverse order. At the beginning of the film, we see a man driving a wounded man to a warehouse, begging him to stay alive. Slowly, we get backstories of all the other characters. We learn that there is a group of men who all know each other by code names only, such as Mr. Black and Mr. Pink, and aer working together to rob a jewelry store. However, someone ratted and the cops knew they would be there. So now, the remaining men still alive are trying to figure out who the traitor is. If you haven't seen this movie yet, I hate to ruin it, but everybody dies. No seriously they do. This isn't some trick where I shout "Everyone dies" just to piss you off. They really do all die. Kind of depressing. Also, there are very few women in this film. I can only remember there being one... But, anyways... That's the movie in a nutshell. I feel kind of bad for Tarantino though, because he's the first one to die. But, it is his movie, so it's his own fault. OK - I no longer feel bad for him. (2 Stars)
Well, some exciting news is that this movie was in "The Book"! 74 down!! Yee Yee!
Also, I would just like to rub in the fact that
a) I had the day off today
b) Since I didn't procrastinate all weekend (I actually did all my HW on Saturday/Sunday) I got to spend my day catching up on my TV shows and watching this movie. So HA.
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