This Tuesday's movie was Metropolis, a famous German movie from the 1920s.
At first, I was really excited to watch this because it's one of those classics that almost everyone has heard about. Plus, it was in "The Book" (this makes 76 by the way). However, it had a VERY slow start. I'm talking, check your phone every two minutes, thinking it's been an hour slow start. Fortunately, after the first hour the movie really started to pick up and get suspenseful. however, last thirty minutes were, again, very slow.
So, a little bit about this movie:
It's based on a futuristic society in Germany. In this society, a man named Joh Fredersen has built the city Metropolis from the ground up with the help of the people of the city. The people do all the hard labor,and he pretty much sits back and watches. Joh's son, Freder, has grown up in a spoiled, high-class world because of this. But, one day, a beautiful woman named Maria crosses over into the high-society world and catches Freder's attention. He then goes underground (where the working class lives/works) and what he sees there changes his life. The rest of the movie is about Freder trying to save the city of Metropolis, with the help of Maria, Josaphat (a recently fired worker of Joh) and Georgy (a laborer). An inventor named Rotwang has cloned Maria onto a robot and the robot is creating turmoil within the city. The workers are now setting out to destroy the city of Metropolis because of the robot. Luckily, Freder and company are able to save all of the children of the city before it is completely destroyed, and eventually the workers see the mistake they have made.
Overall, it was an interesting movie, although slow at some parts. The suspenseful, fast-paced scenes were definitely more enjoyable than others. One of my favorite parts about my Film class so far is being able to see the transgression between movies as time progresses. This movie is much higher in quality than the one's we watched the first week, and without this class, I wouldn't be able to appreciate the quality and beauty of Metropolis. (3 Stars)
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