Is everybody having a great Valentine's so far?
I know I am.
I must admit, my day didn't start off so good. I almost got hit going to school by some moron who didn't know how to use a four-way stop, which seems to happen to me a lot. I was pretty mad because it always seems no one at our school knows how to drive, but then I noticed that the car parked in a teacher space! I can't believe that! Teachers are suppossed to set examples!
School was a gag-fest as it usually is on Valentine's. I think I saw more giant teddy bears and balloons than students. Since when is our school a stuffed zoo?
But my day seemed to go up from there. In physics we had a "lab". We had to find the half-life M&M's by shaking a container full of M&M's then eating all the one's with an M face it! It was delicious!
Then in 5th period I asked my friend Fidel to Sadie's! Once I learn how to add a picture I will. Basically, I took a cross-country sh=hirt and wrote "I would run Across the country for you to go to Sadie's with me". I was super nervous, but being great guy he is, he said yes! WOOHOO! So now I have a date to Sadie's! Man I could never be a guy because I would never be able to ask anyone on a date...
Well I would love to write more, but I am about to go on a date with my dearest friend Megan (no homo). We have decided to embrace our single dating status and have a little fun on Valentine's this year. I'm going over to her house to eat Steak and Lobster (YUM!) and watch a movie!
I'll let you guess what moive, it shouldn't be to hard.
That's right, When Harry Met Sally, again! (:
I'm tellin' you that movie NEVER gets old.
My love song of the day, Better Together by Jack Johnson, I think I've listened to it at least 100 times today.
"Like a shoebox of photographs with sepia-toned loving
Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart, like
Why are we here? And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing, it's so much better when we're together"
: )