Man it seems like it's been forever since I got on here. Not only have I been really busy, but I haven't seen that many movies lately.
I did finally see Inception. I'm not going to the post a full review for this one, because I'm almost positive I was the last person in the entire universe to see that, but I would love if you proved me wrong.
I thought the general concept was BEYOND belief. What crazy GT kid thought up something as complex as Inception.
Although I thought the concept was cool, even two weeks after I saw it, my head still hurts. It was sooooooo confusing! I'm not quite sure I understand what all the hoopla concerning what this movie was all about.
Not only that, but the ending!!!!!!! (SPOILER ALERT) So was it a dream the whole time or no? Or, was everything real until Cobb got stuck in limbo with his crazy wife and then dreamed he came home?
You see there are endless possibilities...
Now, even though I haven't been watching many movies... I've been in a bit of a How I Met Your Mother craze. I could watch that show 24/7 if you let me. The only show better than that is Friends, but in a way, the two shows have similar plots. A couple of weekends a go decided I wanted to start watching HIMYM from season one again. I finished it in two days (:
If you are ever looking for something to watch on TV, How I Met Your Mother is a safe bet, and it is almost always on.
My last endeavor while I was not watching movies was reading books(although I did start some old silent movie from "the book" but fell asleep) is/was reading books. I've done a lot more reading lately. I read a couple of Nancy Drews, probably because we are writing mysteries in creative writing, and I just started I Am Number Four.
I'm not done yet but I will definitely(most likely) finish it after TAKS tomorrow.
In other news, Sadie's is this weekend!
My group has decided not to go to the dance, but instead chill and watch movies! My favorite thing!!!
I'll let you know what we watch as soon as I can.
I won't he able to write as much for the next month because the Rodeo is in town!!! We have season tickets and I CANNOT wait! I will definitely fill you in on how everything goes.
Thanks for your patience, waiting for me to post again, and I hope you keep coming back!
Until next time...
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