Wednesday, August 22, 2012

L.O.L. (That Means Laugh Out Loud)

My next review took a few days for me to actually process... I watched it on Monday, and I honestly still don't know how I feel about this movie.

The genius that is Miley Cryus (and I really hope I can emphasize my sarcasm right now because Miley Cyrus is NOT A GENIUS.) came out with a movie recently called LOL.

Obviously LOL means "Laugh Out Loud" right? Well that's exactly what I did during this absolutely ridiculous movie. But, the movie is called LOL because the main character Lola goes by Lol for short (pronounced like Lull). Honestly though, why does Lola even need to be shortened in the first place!! And on top of that, she was only called Lol like three times the entire movie!!!! Ugh, Miley Cyrus drives me absolute bonkers.

Ok, guess I should kinda sorta tell you about the movie now, huh?

Basically, I think it was supposed to be a drama/romance?! Honestly, I have no idea how to explain this movie. I'm not sure if it even had an actual plot. But here goes nothing...

Lol is IN LOVE with her BF, Chad, but of course they break up two minutes into the movie. And soon Lol falls in love with her BFF Kyle, but "they're just friends, honestly". Oh and towards the end of the movie she becomes a lesbian with her best friend Emily, even though she's dating Kyle...

Yep, I think that pretty much sums it up.

I actually highly recommend a movie night with your best buds and watch this. I actually plan on watching it again soon.

Why you ask? (Because it really was an AWFUL movie).

This movie is extremely HILARIOUS, because it is so absolutely RIDICULOUS!!!!! We made fun of the movie the whole entire time, and I don't think we ever stopped laughing, just because it was so ridiculously horrible.

So grab your buds, some popcorn, and your choice of drink. Prepare for some amazingness that is so awful you just can't help but love it.

It's the bestworst movie of the year! (:

Kbye. <3

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