Thursday, September 27, 2012

Where has this movie been all of my life?

OK - Seriously guys. Where has this movie been all of my life?
I just watched Troy. I'm sure you've heard of it.

If you haven't... Go flush your head down a toilet.

And if you've heard of it, but never seen it. Go watch it. NOW.

It's only 3 hours long, so no biggie. But don't read this post until you've seen it. Because this post is worth waiting for. That movie... you need to go watch now. Don't wait any longer.

That is seriously one of the best movies I've EVER seen.

The best part is that this movie has a little something for everyone in it. It's got a lot of action, a nice romantic storyline to it, and a ton of drama. Even a little bit of comedy in there.

This is the perfect date night movie too. Wanna know why? Simple: Guys - this movie is about war. Blood, guts, fighting, macho-ness, you got it. Girls - this movie is about war. Muscles, eye candy, hot guys fighting, hot guys sweating, hot guys, yum.

So seriously...

Still want to know more about this EPIC movie. (Do you see what I did there??)
Troy is based off of the EPIC by Homer called The Illiad. Basically... This guy named Achilles is this wonderful warrior and leads Greece in a war against the Trojans because the Prince Paris, from Troy, stole Helen who was the wife of the king of Sparta. Bam. There's the movie for ya.

But seriously. Watch it. This movie is absolutely amazing in all restrospects (Not just the fact that there are hott guys, I actually really enjoyed the storyline and film itself). If it wasn't three hours long I'd probably watch it again tonight.

Still not conviced? Here are some more reasons you should watch this movie right now...
Guys - Diane Kruger, Siri Svegler, Saffron Burrows, and Rose Burn (yes she plays Helen in Bridesmaids.
Ladies - Eric Bana (HOLY MOLEY SMOKIN' HOT), Brad Pitt (This is the only movie I find him attractive in, and let's just say, that's an understatement), Orlando Bloom ('Nuff Said), and Sean Bean. Not to mention all of the other ripped, half-clothed warriors fighting. (;

I think that pretty much sums it all up. Enjoy. (:

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