Sunday, October 28, 2012

Scary Movie Season

Halloween is one of the best times of the year in the movie world. It's the time when everyone watches scary movies, despite whether or not they actually like scary movies. You cuddle up under a blanket because its starting to get chilly outside (and because you can hide in it when things get really scary) and then you let the fun begin!

Halloween is this Wednesday, of course, and if you're looking for something scary to watch, I have just the movie.

Grave Encounters is a scary movie that came out about a year ago, and didn't get much time in the limelight. It's considered an "underground" horror movie. It's about a TV show called grave encounters and the movie is the unedited footage shot for the sixth episode of the season.

The TV crew goes to an old abandoned psycho ward, where an old doctor used to perform lobotomy on the patients, and basically all of the patients were trapped in this prison against their own will. There are stories of different suicides within the ward and the most famous story of all is when six patients broke out and murdered the doctor in his dungeon laboratory.

So, the TV crew locks themselves in the ward over night to get all kinds of footage of paranormal activity and from there everything else just goes downhill... I'll let y'all watch it to figure out what happens of course.

The movie was pretty creepy, not gonna lie. I'm not really one to get scared easily at movies, and this was no exception, but it had a few pop-out, freak-out moments. There's also a lot of gore which is just gross.

But anyway... It's a pretty good movie overall, and I don't know about y'all, but I love the thrill of watching scary movies, especially on Halloween!!!


Hehe, gotcha didn't I?

Well anyways... Y'all enjoy your Halloween and watch lots of good scary movies for me!

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