Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's Christmas Break Y'all

Alright, alright, Christmas Break is finally here! That means I will spend my whole break doing nothing but watching movies and reading books. YEEEEE.

So I already have a plethora (ya like that fancy word?) of reviews for you. I'll make them short and sweet though, I promise. P.S. I've got a special non-Christmas movie related surprise for y'all at the end so be sure to read the whole post. Thanks.

1. Kipper: Let It Snow. (Two Stars)
This was a cute little collection of Christmas/Holiday related episodes of Kipper. I used to like Kipper when I was a little kid. I guess now is no different, I still think its a good wholesome show and I love British Accents. It's mostly about snow and winter though, not so much Christmas.

2. In Search of Santa (Two Stars)
First I'll start by saying the graphics in this movie are definitely low quality, so it kind of bugged me to watch the movie. Other than that it had a different story line from the typical Christmas movie, which was nice. It's about these penguin sisters who have to go get proof that Santa is real in order to save their kingdom. The weirdest part of this movie was that Hilary and Haylie Duff are the voices of the penguins, so I had this urge to start watching Lizzie McGuire...

3. The Christmas Bunny (Three Stars)
This has got to be one of the most depressing Christmas movies I have ever seen. It's about this girl who is adopted by this family, but she is really reclusive and doesn't want to open herself up Eventually, she finds this bunny whom she finally finds companionship in. The ending is super happy and makes you feel all warm inside and all of that junk that comes with every Christmas movie, but the rest of it kind of made me want to cry... But, I will admit that a lot of movies make me want to cry.

4. The Tangerine Bear (Three Stars)
This has probably been one of the cutest Christmas movies I have seen so far this year. It's the story of a bear who's smile was sewn on upside down (so it looks like he is frowning) so no one wants to buy him for Christmas. Eventually he learns that he can be loved by the last person he would've expected and makes a bunch of new friends. It's a cute movie with a great moral, especially in the spirit of Christmas.

5. Santa and the Three Bears (Two Stars)
This movie was not that great. It's a typical bear Christmas movie where the bears try to stay awake during hibernation period to find out all about Santa and Christmas but of course nothing goes as planned until the end when they finally see Santa. Hoo-Rah.

6. Fat Albert's Christmas Special (Two Stars)
I had never seen an episode of Fat Albert until I watched this, and let me just say that show is creepy. The Christmas special had a bit of a Christmas Carol feel to it. A grumpy old man is stingy with his money but by the end of the movie has changed his ways to help the less fortunate. Also, I noticed that there wasn't a single white character in this movie... But as always it has Bill Cosby's wonderful humor in it.

7. The Littlest Angel (Three Stars)
Great movie that really truly embodies what the true Christmas Spirit is about. I highly recommend that everyone watch it this Christmas. It's only 24 minutes long, so I know you all have time you can spare to watch this cute movie.

8. Christmas Time in South Park (One Star)
This is a compilation of seven Christmas related episodes of South Park. I have gone my whole life without seeing a single episode of South Park and I am absolutely disgusted by that show. It is so sacrilegious in so many ways. And don't get me wrong, I can tend to have a sick, twisted sense of humor, but they really over do it. All of these episodes focused on Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo and I swear I thought they were going to make me barf by the end of it... Definitely not my kind of show.

9. He-Man and She-Ra: A Christmas Special (Two Stars)
Talk about a weird show... I don't exactly understand the concept of this one at all. These two kids wind up on another planet and some weird skeleton thing is trying to kidnap them or something so He-Man and She-Ra have to rescue them, as well as get them back to earth before Christmas.



And, I'm going to try and find the original show, starring Johnny Depp, and watch that as well. I've heard it was a good show back in the day.

Ok that's all for now, keep looking back often over break or you'll fall behind and nobody wants that!

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