Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sometimes, the Professionals are Actually Right...

About a year and a half ago, on June 10,2010 to be exact (which is also my birthday for those of you who were curious) a movie came out called Super 8, which is the type of camera that the kids in the movies used to film a short film called The Case.

Now, I remember thinking, this movie doesn't even look good! It was the only Rater R movie out on my seventeenth movie. I was so mad. I didn't know what to do. So I waited a couple of weeks to go see a different Rated R movie for the first time. Well, the first Rated R movie TICKET that I bought I should say...

Then December and January come, with lots of award shows, and big surprise, Super 8 is up for a TON of awards. I still wasn't convinced it was worth it, because those award shows never seem to give awards to the entertaining movies...

But I finally watched the movie last night, AND I LOVED it.

It is your typical Steven Spielberg movie, but it's also something more. It has some draw of innocence portrayed so well by the young actors and actresses, but yet this other sense of understanding that adults can't quite reach. I'm giving it five stars, which is a rarity for me, but it wasn't one of my favorites, however, I did like it, a lot.

My only complaint? It was a bit short. I wanted it to be longer!
However, to those of you who haven't seen it yet:
   I know a few people who said it was scary. I will admit that it was suspenseful and made me jump. A fair few of expletives were heard throughout the room from multiple parties as well. So just a word to the wise. This movie is not for the faint hearted...

But enjoy!

Peace Out Kids.

1 comment:

  1. See Shelbro, don't judge a book by its cover! haha I haven't seen it, but I wanted to see it when I saw trailers for it :O
