Saturday, June 11, 2011

Naked Blue People!!!

I know it's been awhile.... but, I have lots of reviews for you today! (:

First I'd like to address the problem of Naked Blue People.
And no.
I don't mean the smurfs.

Those are some cool blue people, these... These are just wierd.

Let me ask you a question.

If your name was James Cameron, multimillionaire, and you couldn't think of another movie to make after super-successful Titanic, would the first thing that came to mind be this insane Wonderland of creatures (all naked and blue) called Pandora?

Someone has been listening to their iPod too much.

Needless to say, I did not enjoy watching this monstrosity for 3 hours. 3 minutes was long enough for me. I give it 2 **. Unfortunately, I do think it would deserve a spot in the movies to see before you die category, only because the movie took about as long to make as it took for the scientists to reach Pandora, it used a lot of new cinematic technology (which even I will admit was pretty awesome, but creepy at the same time), and it won a ton of awards.

So here's to James Cameron, the only person smart enough to combine The Smurfs, The Amazons, Alice in Wonderland, and War of the Worlds!

So a couple of months before I started this blog, I read this great book. I gave it five stars. And a couple of days ago, I finally saw its movie counterpart. I was just a tiny bit disappointed, but I still give it 4 stars.

I Am Number Four.

Well... Actually, I'm number seven, but that's the name of the book/movie. The book was a really easy read and I absolutely loved it. I can't wait to the get the book in the series The Power of Six. But for now, the movie will hold me out.

First off, Alex Pettyfer is GORGEOUS. Those ugly mogodorians are not. And I LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE Dianna Agron. So needless to say, I really enjoyed the movie. It did leave out a few keys points from the book I really wanted them to incorporate, and they had to change one scene.... >.<

I still recommend both though!

Next (and yes I know I'm a bit behind the times) is SCREAM.

Sorry I just wanted to make that caps.

I'm sure most of you have already seen this movie, since it is from the 90s. But unfortunately I hadn't before yesterday.

So as a little birthday treat to myself before work, I sat down and watch Scream.

4 stars, babbbayyyy.

Wes Craven a horror genius, I love his scary movies.
The best part about Scream is the fact that it is a parody of other scary movies. All the puns in it... Ah they made me laugh.

I can't wait to watch the next one, which is on my instant Netflix queue <that is a very odd word.

You remember my Scream 4 story from a few posts back? Well, HA!

I'm 17, I can go see it now, in your face stupid ID checker! :P

I can go see any movie I want know!!!!!! *In super high sing-songy voice*

Enough of that...

After work, Meg came over and we watched a couple of movies for my birthday. First we watched The Runaways, her obsession of the month.

For those of you that don't know my dear Megan, she gets into the obsessions. They usually last around a month or two, but there is no stopping it.
She quotes, she watches, she reads, she researches.
Everything there is to know about that certain movie, anything to do, she does it. Here are just a few of her obsessions:
  • Titanic (more often than not)
  • Lion King
  • Moulin Rogue!
  • Burlesque
  • And now of course The Runaways
Now I had been hearing about this movie since the beginning of May, so i figured I may as well give it a shot.

It was a little odd, but I love the music. I love Joan Jett, but I hated seeing that lesbian side of her. In a way it corrupted my childhood view of her, watching her and Cherie Curie trash themselves with drugs and alcohol and sex.

The story was enthralling though. Overall it was OK, so 2 stars.

Lastly, right before we fell asleep, we started to watch Chloe, starring Liam Neeson, and Amanda Seyfried. Amanda Seyfriend is one of my absolute favorite actresses, but this movie was wierd.

It's one of those pyscho thrillers, where Amanda is this creepy prostitute hired by a doctor to see if her husband is cheating on her, but the porstitute is a lesbian too, or something insane like that. I wouldn't know for sure because I only watched like 30 minutes of it.

I'm only posting a review to stronly recommend you DON'T watch it.

That is all.
(In the words of Mrs. Streep-Devil Wears Prada)

I haven't read much, but I did read Pippi Longstocking for grins while I was waiting on Party to come in the mail.

It's almost identical to the movie. Pippi is a brat, and the book was just silly.

Well, I'm about to go see Midnight In Paris with my mom and grandma, so I better go get ready!

60 down, 941 to go.

Until Next Time!

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