Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Power of Words

There is more power in words than we can see, or believe.
Don't believe me?
I'll show you.

Think of your absolute favorite song in the entire world. One that you can never tire of, one that moves you to tears, gives you a new found confidence, makes the hair on your back rise.

Now, think of the lyrics to this song. Can you relate to those lyrics? Do they bring back a special memory?

I though so.

You didn't pick this song because it had a cool beat, or because you like the feel of it, or the genre, you picked it because deep down, the lyrics move you.

That's why Taylor Swift is so popular. Let's face it, her voice is just average. You could probably watch American Idol and hear voices 10x better than her, but that's not why we like her music. We like her music because of the words. They come straight from her heart and her experiences, many similar to those of our own.

Now do you believe in the power of words?

People ask where my inspiration comes from, but I think it would be obvious. I don't think of things to say when I'm staring up at the stars. Inspiration comes from the words around me. They are everywhere, it's hard not to be inspired by them. Books, movies, songs, simple conversation.
They fuel the burning desire to express everything i have trapped in my heart.


My hopes and dreams are solely based on the hope that one day I will be able to inspire with my words, just as God and everyone else has inspired me with theirs.

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