Saturday, July 2, 2011

Silence Is Golden

First, before I go any further, I would like to update my last post.

After much thought and consideration, I realized that I liked Rent a lot more than I did after first watching it. I guess it's one of those movies you have to sit and think about before you truly know if you like it, like with Black Swan. I am currently obsessing over all things Rent and Idina Menzel. So that 3 star just mated and had a baby because it's deff 4 stars now.

Now while on the subject of Idina Menzel, I have some absolutely specatumous (spectacular/magnificent/wonderful/and every awesome word you can think of) news! Idina Menzel is going to be in a new show on ABC!!!!!
That's one of the links I found if you'd like to check it out for yourself.

Also, lots of speculation about a Wicked movie!!!!!
Yes I was cyber-stalking Idina Menzel all morning-thus the obsession.

Speaking of obsessions... Remember how I told you how Megan has her "movie obsessions". Well I am pleased to say it seems that her Runaways obsession is dampening, and now she has somewhat moved onto Johnny Cash. She finally saw Walk the Line (one of my favorite movies if I might add...).

Well let's get to the good stuff shall we?

62 Down. 939 to go!!!!!!!!

Yea, that's right, I watched another movie from The Book. It was slightly painful. And took 3 separate viewings to finally finish it, but I did it. The saddest part? The movie was only an hour long... But it was so hard to stomach in one setting!

After much internal debate, I give The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari only 1 star, and here is why:

First off, I would like to congratulate myself for watching yet another foreign movie and my very first full-length silent film! Whoopdeedoo! And this is probably the oldest movie I've ever seen! (1919) Well, the just of the movie is as follows: This crazy psycho guy is telling a crazy story about this Dr. who has a somnambulist (sleep-walker) and controls him, making him murder various people. Weird right? Well at first, I thought this is boring. Then it got kind of crime movie mystery type thing. So it was a little bit more interesting. Then it got Inceptionist on me, and I no longer liked it anymore.

Don't waste you're time watching this movie. The only reason its in The Book is because it was such an advance in cinema for the time, especially in a foreign country. The subtitles were extremely hard to read though. Funny parts of the movie: the cuts are very obvious. But at the same time, it's amazing that they were able to film. But I do think they could've constructed more life-like sets, especially since sets have been made for theater since before Shakespeare...

No other reviews for today, but we did watch the second HP the other night.

Fun Facts for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets:
  • In the last scene, when Hermione runs up to hug Harry, but not Ron, many people thought this was a sign of things to come regarding Hermione/Ron relationship, but actually, Emma Watson was too embarrassed to hug the boys on-screen, so the director decided to compromise, allowing her to just shake hands with Ron.
  • Dobby the House Elf actually appears in 5 of the books (if I remember correctly) but only stars in 2 of the movies, sadly.
  • The scene where Harry breaks his arm at the Quidditch match, Daniel put pressure on his right arm in one shot without acknowledging its hurt, but in the next shot, appears to hold it, as if it's been hurt.
  • The actor who played Dumbledore died two weeks before the movie released in theaters.
  • This was Daniel Radcliffe's favorite book in the series (and my least favorite).
  • The actress who played Madam Hooch in the first movie, refused to continue in the second because of salary differences.
  • An outbreak of lice in the cast occurred during the filming of this movie.
OK, that's enough. (:
Want more fun facts? Check out!

Until Next Time!

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