Tuesday, November 15, 2011

*Cough Cough* :P

What's the only good thing about being sick all weekend?

Staying home and watching movies, duh.

I will admit, I did get to watch quite a few movies this weekend, mainly because I was in bed sick, but I'm not complaining! It gives me more to write about!! (:

Firstly, (before I was sick of course) I went to go see the new movie Tower Heist with my family. It stars Matthew Broderick, Eddie Murphy, Ben Affleck, Alan Alda, and many others. I found this movie actually very humorous. It was a little inappropriate at times for younger people (mainly 14 and younger) but I was laughing the whole time. I haven't actually LOL'ed at a movie in who knows how long. It was nice to have a little comic relief. For those of you who haven't seen the commercials, Tower Heist is about a Hotel/Building staff who plan to overthrow the system and steal 12 million dollars from one of the Buildings residence who basically stole all of their money. I thought it was a really cute story line, and in ways reminded me of Ferris Bueller, but maybe that's because Matthew Broderick was in it and it involved a car. Anyways, I give it 4 stars, and everyone should go see it!

I have now seen 3 of 8000000000000 Woody Allen movies. Yes, that was a bit of an exaggeration... I watched What's Up, Tiger Lily? on Friday when I was home sick. It was an OK movie. I gave it two stars, but the back story to this movie is actually very interesting. This movie was Woody Allen's directorial debut. What he did was, he took an old Japanese film and edited out ALL the sound. Which just left him with the moving picture right? Then he added in American voices and an all new soundtrack that completely changed the whole movie. It went from a Japanese spy film to a film about the recovery of a treasured egg salad sandwich. Overall, it was interesting, and put a new spin on things. Definitely the first of it's kind that I have experienced.

Now I'll just fill you in on the rest of my weekend movie watchings, but no review is required. First, (well really 3rd) me and my mom watched When Harry met Sally. <3
I will NEVER get sick of that movie. In fact, as soon as we finished watching it, I wanted to watch it again. Pathetic, I know.
Then the next night, my mom and I watched Gigi, an old favorite of mine.

I haven't seen Gigi since I was a little girl, but it was just as good as I remember it being, and I still remembered the words to almost all the songs! Another great movie from The Book, and if you've never seen it, you're missing out on a Hollywood Gem.

Well, now I'm about to go do some Jillian Michaels as part of my scheme to defeating the Freshman 15 before next year!

Until Next Time!

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