Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Well, It was worth a shot...

Hello fellow blogging world and all of you who have continued to read this blog.
Yes-I'm sure most of you thought that I had jumped off a cliff or something, because I haven't posted anything since August, but please, let me explain why before you jump to any rash conclusions.

You see... It all started with those "summer resolutions". By actually setting a goal for myself, I jinxed the whole thing.

Then: it's called, volleyball.

Volleyball has literally sucked my life for the past three months, not that I'm complaining. In fact, I wish volleyball wasn't over yet, because not only did I get to see my best friends almost every waking moment of my life, but I had no spare time-thus no time to be bored. (:

Now that it's over, I don't see my friends as often (but we still spend way more time together than is probably healthy) and I have WAY TOO MUCH FREE TIME.

So that's the story.
I didn't die, sorry.

Now back to those summer resolutions...
Progress thus far-
       preeeeetty pathetic.
Those 30 more movies before summer... I've seen one- The Exorcist. So yayyyyy 65 down, 936 to go! That's so pathetic it doesn't deserve to be bolded.

Then there were the 50 books throughout the school year. Welllllllllllllll. We are 1/3 of the way done and I've read 4 books: Pride and Prejudice (required), As I Lay Dying (required), The Lying Game, and Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.

I have a long way to go if I want to reach 50.

Then I stopped watching Charmed, but there's still hope for that I guess....
And yea, I definitely haven't blogged at least once a week.

I declare now, that everything is going to change since I have a life again.

Although, I'm finding that life is starting to be consumed with Harry Potter (my obsession has found it's way back to the surface in order to fill the volleyball depression) and this new supersupersupersuper addicting website called Pinterest.


Emily Grizzell, I hope you're reading this right now, because I want to thank you for completely ruining me. You got me ADDICTED!

So now ya'll are all going to be so curious as to what it is that could be so addicting, and everyone's going to check it out and blame me for addicting them, but just remember, it's not me to blame, it's Emily.

Well that's all for now.
Can't wait until Pottermore is open to the public so I have a new addiction to share with the world!

Until Next Time!

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