Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Today, I Became Invincible.

Have you ever accomplished something so wonderful, you just couldn't help but tell the world?

Well, 484 Jumping Jacks, Crunches, Leg Lifts; 8 minutes and 4 seconds of wall sits; 44 push ups; and an 11 minute run later, I've lived to tell my tale.

Today, I accepted the challenge of  The Ninety-Nine Workout... "Aka: If I Finish This Alive I Must Be Invincible"
Let me tell you.... That is one craaaazy workout.

You start by doing 99 jumping jacks, crunches, wall sits (in seconds) and leg lifts, then 9 push ups. And continue that series until you get to the 2's (99,88,77,66, and so on...) and then to end it you go on an 11 minute run!

In the moment, it doesn't really seem all that bad. Except for the crunches, those killed me every time. I don't know why though, ABs are my favorite part. Then after you finish everything and you go on your 1  minute run, you think "Hey, that really wasn't all that bad!" Then you start running, and you want to shoot yourself for ever attempting this. But you can't be a quitter, so you put your iPod on shuffle and start running. (I'm not a runner-hate it so much) and when you get home, all you want to do is fall on the ground, but this is the important part. You MUST STRETCH! Then go inside and drink LOTSSSS of water. Even after doing all of this, I can barely walk.

So much for being invincible right?

Tomorrow, I will be borrowing a wheelchair from the nurse, that;s how badly my legs hurt. (haha that was a joke so you can laugh now).

But on the bright side, I feel like rewarding myself for keeping up with my daily workout antics.

What's the best reward for me? Watching a movie, DUH! So that's what I'm about to go head off and do, so I can tell all ya'll about it later.

On a side note, I finally got my first college acceptance to Schreiner University! EXCITING!
But not quite exciting as me completing that reeeediculous workout.

Either way, a celebratory dinner (and movie) are much needed.
Peace Out Kids.

Until Next Time! (Actually I believe I'm going to change my signature salutation to Peace Out Kids, because I always say Peace Out when leaving a situation of any kind...) So...

Peace Out Kids.
Ya like? (:

1 comment:

  1. The only time I would ever suggest someone buy any kind of machine, device or otherwise, is if they are already in a routine using those same core workout, and they are looking to step things up. So air punches aren't doing it for you anymore? Get some resistance bands.
