Sunday, November 20, 2011

Twihards VS. Potterheads

So, interesting fact: apparently I have a fan base in the Netherlands? Yea, this was news to me, but Hey all you Netherlandians! Thanks for reading my blog, and keep spreading the word of how AWESOME it is.(:

So we all know that the premiere of breaking Dawn Part 1 was this week. Man, that movie sucked. Like really bad. As a fan of the series (I admit I've read them at least 3 times) I thought the movie was very accurate, don't get me wrong, but it was just plain WEIRD.

For those who haven't read the series, or just don't want to see this, don't read ahead because there may be spoilers.

It had too many corny Disney moments for me. Like the 30 second cameo of Stephanie Meyers... AWKK. I can only stare at that lady and her freakish smile for 5 seconds MAX. The that weird breathing Bella did right before the wedding. I thought she was on drugs or something. And ohhh the poop face, it was back. Kristen Stewart has this elusive "I have to poop face" throughout the first two movies, and in some parts of the third. And of course, as she was walking down the aisle to her one and only love, she smelled poop. Not a great way to remember your own wedding. My least fav part? Defff when Jacob imprints and we had this whole video montage of their future together. And the actress that plays Reneesme does not fit how beautiful this child is supposed to be. Things I LIKED about this movie? The first 30 seconds when Jacob runs out into the rain with his shirt off. (: So, I'll give it 3 stars, generously.


So as a HUGE Potterhead, I've decided to make some comparisons(:
And Potter wins almost every category. Potter on the left, Twilight on the right, so let's get ready for some Potter VS. Twilight!
Ron VS. Jacob? Hm.... This really is a hard one, I'll admit. If either one were to propose, I would accept. (:
Hermione VS. Alice As much as I love Alice, I would give anything to be/meet Hermione for like 2 seconds.
HarryvsVoldemort VS. CullensvsVolturi Do I even need to explain why Harry and Voldemort is better?
Hogwarts Feasts VS. Drinking Blood Again... Who wouldn't want to eat at Hogwarts?
Quidditch VS. Vampire Baseball Quidditch BY FAR.

It's so painfully obvious which book series is better that I'm just going to stop to save you Twihards some dignity. POTTERHEADS FTW.

Alright, moving on...
Horror movies now?
Scream 4!

Scream 4 is definitely the best scary movie Of.All.Time.
5 stars.

Peace Out Kids.

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