Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's a bird! It's a plane! NO, it's just another superhero movie!

First, I'd like to apologize to everyone because I promised that this summer I would be watching a lot of movies, thus there would be more posts for y'all to read. Well obviously that hasn't happened... But I'm going to try and start posting more, I promise!!!

Not to mention that I've been crazy busy so far this summer and I wasn't really expecting to have so little free time!

Well anyways, here is the first review I have for you this summer, and for once it's actually a movie that just came out into theaters! Woohoo I'm on top of the game this time!

Last night instead of sitting outside watching the fireworks, my family and I decided we would go see a movie together instead! The consensus was The new Spiderman movie, even though I was really pushing for Brave... Oh well, it was still an amazing movie! (hehe, anyone catch that? AMAZING?! As in The AMAZING Spiderman...) So anyways... It was really good! Now, I haven't seen the original Spiderman movies with Tobey MaGuire and Kirsten Dunst in a really long time, but I enjoyed those movies thoroughly. But as far as I remember, the story line to the new movie, which had an absolutely wonderful cast might I add, was actually almost the same as the original ones! Except, this movie had Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane! But like I said, it's been awhile since I saw the others, so I could be mistaken. (my sister thinks theyre almost exactly the same too.)

Needless to say, I liked this Spiderman WAYYYY better than the old ones and I can't wait to see the second one! Hold onto to your seats folks because this movie is getting a coveted 5 stars from me, I know, shock. Maybe it's because I'm a major sucker for Emma Stone, or maybe it's because Andrew Garfield looked amazing in that skin tight spidey suit, and has an adorable smile... (:

Either way this movie is a winner. Anyone who goes I suggest you stay for the credits because there's a special little sneak peek into the next movie and you don't want to miss out on that now do you!?

Well I think that is going to be all for now. Hopefully I'll have something else for y'all in the near future!

Peace Out Kids.

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