Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lucas's Suggestion #2!

I'm a thinker, that's just the kind of person I am. I love things that get me to think. I'm a big puzzle solver, I want to be the person who figures everything out and it bugs me when I can't remember something or solve the problem or puzzle or whatever it is.

That's why I really enjoyed Lucas's 2nd suggestion, Exam. It's a movie that really makes you think. The whole time I was trying to figure everything out before the end, and I'll admit, they had me stumped. I'm no Nancy Drew, I'll tell ya, but I sure wish I was sometimes...

So, like I said the movie is called Exam. It's set sometime in the future, but there no indication of how much farther into the future it is, aside from some medicinal advancement references. And judging by everyone's accents, probably set somewhere in England or close to...

Basically, the movie is about... An Exam, duh. Pretty evident by the title if you ask me. Only 8 people take the exam, and we are introduced to each individual character at the very beginning of the movie with abstract close-ups of each individual, giving some kind of glimpse into their personality before you're able to tell what they look like fully.

The Exam is given to these 8 people as the final step into the very long, difficult process of an application for a job at this biomedical company. The rules to the exam are simple: They were each presented a sheet of paper with one question which would require one answer. They were not allowed to communicate with the man administering the test, nor the guard inside the room. If they chose to leave the room, they would be disqualified. And finally, it they soiled their exam paper, intentionally or not, they would be disqualified. They had 80 minutes to complete the exam.

Well, little did they know, absolutely nothing was on each person's sheet of paper. Let the mind games begin. Muahahshahahahahahahahahaha. Ha.

It was almost like The Hunger Games in this little bitty exam room. First everyone worked together to find the question, but soon, everyone started turning against each other until the 80 minutes were up. Actually, the more I think about it, it was a lot like THG...

I definitely enjoyed this movie and may or may not watch it again. The suspense may be ruined though because I know what's waiting at the end unlike all of you people reading this review instead of going and watching the movie!

And if you aren't convinced yet, one of the 8 exam takers is quite the looker, just sayin' (;

What are you still doing reading this post?! Go watch it!

You'll regret finishing this, so go watch it now!!!


Ha. Well thanks Lucas, hopefully I can get everyone else to watch it too.

Keep the suggestions coming guys!

Love y'all!

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